Shipping Information

Worldwide delivery

We work with more than 100 production partners in 32 countries

85% The percentage of orders that are produced in the same country as they are delivered. This enables us to offer lower shipping rates!

Good for the planet

Reduced shipping distances and carbon emissions, makes our production process more environmentally friendly

We use responsibly sourced & sustainable products

All our products are made with responsibly sourced and sustainable materials.

Product safety

All products are produced in accordance with international and national product safety regulations.

Responsibly sourced materials

We always strive to use responsibly sourced materials. Our printed paper products and canvases are made from paper and wood from sustainably managed forests with a sustainable forest management system in place.

Quality that lasts

We work with suppliers that offer high-quality production processes, so in return we hope the products will be enjoyed and used over and over again for a long period of time.